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Last updated date: 1/3/2025


Choosing the right plans matters for your health and your financial well-being. Review this information carefully before making your benefit decisions.

Medical Plan Comparison Chart – Compare the coverage details for each of the medical plans offered by Sonos to help you select the best option for you and your family.

Employee Premiums – Compare employee premiums to see how much you’ll pay each paycheck for medical coverage.

ALEX Go tool – ALEX Go is an interactive benefits tool that asks you for a few health spending estimates. After that, it shows you your best, most affordable coverage options.

TouchCare – If you need a little guidance about choosing your benefits, you can schedule an appointment with our health care concierge, TouchCare. They can review all Sonos benefit plans with you, answer any questions you have, and help you make your enrollment decisions.

Enrollment Checklist

Use this checklist to prepare for enrollment


Think about your coverage needs, including what type of services you anticipate using and how often.

Make sure your dependent information is correct and all your dependents are eligible. Consider changes that could affect your benefits, such as a new baby.

Explore the tax-saving opportunities of an HSA and/or FSAs.

Review your beneficiaries during the enrollment process. Life insurance, critical illness, and hospital indemnity beneficiaries should be entered in Workday, 401(k) and stock beneficiaries should be entered on Fidelity NetBenefits. Beneficiaries may be changed at any time.

Complete your benefits enrollment within 31 days of your date of hire or qualifying life event.

TIP: Think About the Whole Cost

When choosing a medical plan, it’s important to think about the whole cost of coverage — the amount you’ll spend out of your paycheck, as well as out of your pocket (copays, deductibles, and coinsurance). Consider these tips to save on health care costs.

Top 5 Questions

  1. Who can answer my questions and help me with enrollment decisions?
    TouchCare is our health care concierge service that’s provided at no cost to you. Schedule an appointment with TouchCare to review your benefit plans before you enroll, get answers to all your questions, and learn cost savings strategies. To learn more, visit the TouchCare site or call 866.486.8242.

  2. What happens if I don’t enroll within 31 days of my hire date or qualified life event?
    If you don't enroll within 31 days of your date of hire, you won't have coverage through Sonos and you won't have the opportunity to enroll until the next Open Enrollment period in the fall.

    If you don't enroll within 31 days of your qualifying life event, your current benefits will roll over and you won't have the opportunity to enroll until the next Open Enrollment period in the fall.

  3. How are the medical plans different?
    The key differences between the plans are how much you pay in paycheck premiums and how you pay for services throughout the year. Consider how you prefer to handle costs. For instance, would you rather pay extra from your paycheck for a medical plan that covers more of your costs when you need care, or pay as little as possible from your paycheck — even if that means bigger bills when you need care? You can use the ALEX Go tool to compare what you’ll pay under each medical plan option for different health care usage scenarios. Consider these tips to help you save on health care costs throughout the year.

  4. What’s the difference between the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and the Health Savings Account (HSA)?
    The way the Health Care FSA and the HSA work is largely the same — you contribute to your account through automatic, pre-tax payroll deductions, then use the money to pay for eligible health care expenses. However, there are some important differences.
    • An HSA is only available with the CDHP plan. All the money in your HSA rolls over year after year and is yours to keep.
    • A Health Care FSA can be used with the PPO or HMO plans to set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible health care expenses. A Limited Purpose FSA is available for employees enrolled in the CDHP with an HSA and can be used for eligible dental and vision expenses.

    Learn more about using your HSA or FSA to pay for eligible expenses.

  5. What’s included in my free preventive care?
    In-network preventive care is fully covered under all of the Blue Shield of California and Harvard Pilgrim medical plans, so you pay nothing. These services include:
    • Well-baby care
    • Immunizations
    • Annual checkups
    • Pap tests
    • Test for cholesterol and blood pressure
    • Mammograms
    • Prostate screenings
    • Colorectal screenings
    • Bone density (over 60)

    See a full list of covered services.