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Inclusive Benefits

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Last updated date: 1/3/2025

Connecting LGBTQIA+ Employees to Care

Sonos is committed to ensuring that employee benefits are diverse, equitable, and inclusive. We have resources available for the unique needs of our LGBTQIA+ employees, which can help you find access to high-quality care, providers you trust, and advocates to help guide you along the way.

Caring for you and your family

When you enroll in the Sonos benefit plans, you can also enroll your:

  • Legal same-sex or opposite-sex spouse or domestic partner
  • Children up to age 26, including biological, step, and adopted children, as well as children for whom you're the permanent legal guardian
  • Unmarried, biological children of any age who are disabled, as long as coverage began and the disability occurred before they turned age 26.

LGBTQIA+ Health Care

Your doctor’s office should always be a safe and nonjudgmental place to discuss your health care needs. If your provider is not an ally, it’s time to look for another professional.

Your medical plan benefits include coverage such as:

  • Preventive care: Most preventive care is covered at no cost when you see an in-network provider. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community may be predisposed to certain health conditions, which your doctor can discuss with you. Unless your doctor suggest otherwise, it's important to get the preventive care recommended for the sex you were assigned at birth.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screenings and assessments: HIV is highly treatable and early detection and monitoring are key to helping your doctor determine when to start treatment, if your treatment is working and whether the disease is getting worse.
  • HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication: For members at high risk for HIV infection, PrEP is available to help prevent HIV. There are two available medications: Truvada (until a generic version is available) and Descovy (covered for members with renal comorbidities or bone disease).
  • HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) medication: PEP is a combination of medicines taken to prevent HIV after a possible exposure. PEP should be used only in emergency situations and must be started within 72 hours after a recent possible exposure to HIV.

To learn more about LGBTQ+ health care and what’s covered under your medical plan:

Health Advocacy for LGBTQIA+ Employees

TouchCare is available to help you navigate the health care system and virtually any health care-related issue. Health care, insurance, and improving your well-being can be confusing for anyone. It can seem even more challenging if you’ve ever been stigmatized or discriminated against for sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnic or religious background, age or any other reason. With TouchCare, know that you have a team of knowledgeable and compassionate experts that will support you every step of the way on your journey to good health.

Your Health Assistant can help:

  • Locate doctors and facilities matched to your individual preferences and needs,
  • Answer questions about your unique health needs,
  • Schedule appointments or transfer medical records,
  • Clarify your coverage including deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance,
  • Coordinate care to ensure your needs are understood, and
  • Review your medical bills to make sure that they are correct. 

Contact TouchCare:

Transgender Health Care

Blue Shield of California and Harvard Pilgrim

Transgender employees have access to medical care including the following:

  • Behavioral health services: Your mental well-being is important, which is why behavioral health providers are available for you to talk to at any time. Talking to one of these providers is also a requirement before scheduling a gender affirmation surgery.
  • Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy is used to help make your body more masculine or feminine. Your PCP can help you understand any risks or side effects of testosterone or estrogen therapy, and make sure you’re taking the right amount. Because alcohol and tobacco use raise the risk of side effects, it’s also important to discuss related safety considerations, especially if you’re considering surgery.
  • Gender affirmation surgery: If you decide to have a gender affirming surgery, you’ll need to work with your PCP and medical plan provider to find a surgeon and get all related precertifications. You may be covered for a variety of surgeries, including breast reduction/removal/augmentation, removal of reproductive organs, or creation of exterior sexual organs.
  • Gender support services: Depending on your medical plan, you may be covered for a variety of other services, including facial changes to make you look more feminine or masculine, decreasing the size of your Adam’s apple, chest implants, voice modification surgery, electrolysis (except when it’s a part of genital reconstruction), hair grafts or implants, and body contouring. Please note: Covered services may vary based on the medical plan you are enrolled in.
  • Reproductive services: You may be covered for in vitro fertilization services, including the procedure to freeze your eggs and store them.

To learn more about transgender health care and what’s covered under your medical plan:

Health Advocacy for Transgender Employees

TouchCare is available to help you navigate the health care system and virtually any health care-related issue. When it comes to transition-related health care, questions about your health insurance coverage, a doctor’s experience, procedures available to you, or even costs, can leave you feeling unsure about what to do next. With TouchCare, you have access to a team of experts that can support you before and after your transition.

Before transition, TouchCare can help: After transition, TouchCare can help:
  • Review your insurance coverage for trans-related procedures.
  • Explain in- and out-of-network costs for providers and services.
  • Locate Centers of Excellence that specialize in providing transgender care.
  • Speak directly with the consulting physician to ensure that the doctor fully understands your needs.
  • Support you by informing you about the doctor’s experience and approach to care.
  • Clarify your share of the costs including deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.
  • Schedule the earliest available appointments, and obtain needed referrals.
  • Interact with your primary care doctor and insurance plan.
  • Act as an ongoing resource for you and your family, to answer questions and help resolve benefits or insurance issues.
  • Review and explain your medical bills, and make sure that the charges match up to the services received.
  • Attempt to negotiate a lower fee on a residual medical bill, if possible.

Contact TouchCare:

Mental Health Care

Mental well-being is an important component that contributes to your overall health. For times when you need a little support, there are a variety of mental health resources to help. 

Blue Shield Plans Harvard Pilgrim Plan SupportLinc (EAP)
Online content, programs, assessments, and quizzes X X X
Non-clinical coaching
(for example, counselors/coaches who can provide guidance about healthy lifestyle, stress, relationships, etc.)
(for example, one-on-one treatment with a licensed therapist)
Telemedicine X X
24/7 crisis/emergency support X X X
Outpatient mental health support
(for example, a board-certified psychiatrist or medical doctor who also prescribes medication)
Intensive outpatient care, short-term treatment centers, long-term residential care, and inpatient treatment X X

To learn more:

The Employee Assistance program (SupportLinc) has a variety of programs to support our LGBTQIA+ employees, including:

SupportLinc is Here to Help

There’s someone who understands your unique needs. Call SupportLinc 24/7 for in-the-moment emotional support about any challenges you may be facing. You and your household members have access to short-term counseling including counselors with LGBTQIA+ experience.

They get where you’re coming from. SupportLinc has a network of providers, including clinicians who identify as LGBTQIA+, affirming LGBTQIA+ and diversity training and resources.

They know a lot about issues related to gender affirming surgeries. They can help with navigating financial concerns, like looking at surgery costs or other expenses related to your goals, budgeting, and saving. They can also help you address legal matters, like getting answers about updating your birth certificate and understanding laws that relate to transgender issues. Plus, they can provide support for daily life, such as finding child and elder care providers, home health care, household services, and more.

Call 888.881.5462 or visit (Code: Sonos).